As Michigan gears up for November’s pivotal presidential election, the League of Women Voters of Michigan is ramping up efforts to make this National Voter Registration Day more successful than ever.

The nonpartisan group has launched a series of voter drives across the state.

Paula Bowman, co-president of the league, noted when it is a presidential election year, public interest in voting typically increases and as a result, her organization has received invitations to set up registration drives from a wide variety of community groups.

“Even had an invitation from a Little League football team, who wanted us to come out to their park and register parents and onlookers,” Bowman outlined. “Community colleges, regular universities, high schools and all sorts of places.”

Bowman pointed out the League of Women Voters has also teamed up with companies locally and nationally to get people registered to vote, from LUSH Cosmetics to United Parcel Service.

Despite the high overall interest in this election, Bowman voiced concern in a presidential election year, many voters head to the polls knowing only how they will vote for president. She urged people to take the time to consider the other issues and familiarize themselves with the down-ballot races, as informed voting is critical to making an impact.

“There are a lot of local votes,” Bowman stressed. “School board, township, county, and state votes and judicial. We hope that you do a little bit of research before you make the checkmarks on that ballot.”

Bowman added the League compiles a nonpartisan Voter Guide, which people can check out online, or wait for a printed copy, which comes out at the end of this month. She added the strength of a democracy comes from full participation and the more people who vote, the stronger it becomes.

Tuesday, Aug. 6, is Primary Election Day in Michigan. Polls are open from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. in every jurisdiction.

When voting a primary ballot, voters may only select candidates from the same political party, not both. Voting for candidates from both the Democratic and Republican parties – known as ticket-splitting – is not allowed under Michigan law in the primary and those votes will not be counted.

Residents who are not yet registered to vote but who wish to register and vote in today’s primary may do so at the office of their city or township clerk until 8 p.m.

If you’re seeking information online before heading to the polls, you’re advised to rely on the Department of State, clerks, and their websites as trusted, official sources.

Before, during or after Election Day, if you encounter election-related information that may be misleading or incorrect, or if you witness any voter intimidation, harassment or coercion, you can report it by emailing details to


Property tax increases have been something Hoosiers have been dealing with for the last couple of years.
Some Hoosiers, especially senior citizens who are retired, have been priced out of their homes due to massive increases based on the latest appraisals of their property by the state.
Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.), who is running for governor, told WIBC’s “Kendal and Casey Show” on Friday that he has a plan to give Hoosiers a lot of relief from rising property taxes.
“Government, at the local level, should never grow faster than the ability of a taxpayer to pay for it,” Braun said. “This is to acknowledge that (property taxes) got completely out of hand.”
Braun has released what he calls a blueprint for property tax reform in the state of Indiana. At the core of the plan is a push to return property tax rates, as well as bills, to 2021 levels. Furthermore, he wants to cap property taxes at no more than two-percent of a home’s assessed property value for senior citizens and no more than three-percent for younger homeowners.
“This is going more than just attacking a rate or the assessment,” Braun clarified. “It is the bill that everyone is interested in. This is going to take your tax BILLS back to that level.”
Braun’s plan would also allow homeowners to “deduct 60-percent of their home’s assessed value from their tax bill.”
Overall, he said these reforms will result in an immediate 21-percent tax cut for Hoosiers.
Finally, Braun said his plan would also help ensure more transparency when it comes to the referendum process on the local level when it comes to property tax increases. The plan would require that referendums, such as those pushed by local school boards, only take place during “high-turnout elections”. Braun said many property tax increases are passed during low-turnout elections when transparency about them is lacking.
“Nothing is more important than ensuring Hoosiers can afford to live in their homes without being overburdened by rising property taxes,” Braun said. “My plan focuses on capping property tax increases, updating deductions, increasing transparency, and reforming the referendum process.”
The Republican property tax plan is no good, says the Libertarian candidate for Indiana governor.
Senator Mike Braun revealed his property tax plan Friday during an appearance on WIBC’s Kendall and Casey program. Braun, the Republican nominee for Indiana governor, has proposed 2-percent property tax caps on properties owned by senior citizens and low income Hoosiers and 3-percent caps for everyone else.
Libertarian candidate Donald Rainwater says Braun’s plan fails to address certain issues.
In a Friday press release, Rainwater claims Braun’s plan “does not eliminate the possibility of Hoosiers losing their homes to tax sales” and “does not stop the annual tax rate increases.”
Rainwater’s plan is to cap property taxes at 1-percent of the purchase price of the property for a maximum of 7 years. “Essentially converting the property tax to a sales tax on real estate transactions,” according to the press release.
Rainwater plans to further comment on Braun’s plan this coming Monday.
Braun and Rainwater face Democrat Jennifer McCormick in November.

Michigan’s early voting for the August 6th Primary began on Saturday.

The primary election will decide the candidates for both congressional and State House seats that will appear on the general election ballot in November, as well as local judicial races and the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Debbie Stabenow. Voters can find early in-person voting locations online, and we have a link with voting information with this story at 953 MNC dot com. Registered Michigan voters will be able to vote the Republican side of the primary ballot, or the Democratic side…but not both. Bridge Michigan reports that more than 78 thousand Michigan voters cast ballots early and in person during February’s presidential primary election.

To see if your voter registration is up to date, visit Michigan’s Voter Information Center here.

While Vice President Kamala Harris spoke in Indianapolis on Wednesday, former President Trump’s pick to be his vice president visited Indiana’s second largest city.

Ohio Senator JD Vance was in Fort Wayne where his campaign says he raised around $1 million for he and Trump’s presidential campaign.

“This is very significant,” said Allen County GOP Chairman Steve Shine. “It basically substantiates that Allen County is the hot bed for Republican excitement in the State of Indiana. JD Vance committed to coming to Fort Wayne because he knows Fort Wayne is a very loyal Republican base.”

Vance led a closed-door fundraiser inside a hanger at the Fort Wayne International Airport. Tickets for the fundraiser ranged from $1,000 per person to about $50,000 per couple.

The event was the next one following Vance’s return to his hometown of Middletown, Ohio, near Cincinnati where he held a large rally of supporters.

Kimberly Cheatle handed over her resignation as the head of the Secret Service on Tuesday. This just over a week after her agency was hit with a lot of criticism over the attempted assassination of former President Trump.
In a House Oversight Committee hearing on Monday Cheatle acknowledged the attempt on Trump’s life as a “colossal failure” on hers and the Secret Service’s part.
“Thinking about what we should have done differently is never far from my thoughts,” she said.
Among those who watched the hearing was Rep. Erin Houchin (R-IN-9th) who told “The Todd Starnes Show” on Tuesday that Cheatle’s resignation should have come much sooner given the gravity of what happened.
“That was a disastrous hearing. She wouldn’t answer any questions,” Houchin said. “The buck stops with her. She is ultimately responsible. She cannot be in charge of investigating her own failure. So, I’m happy she resigned. It should have happened immediately.”
Houchin said she is eager to see the results of an independent investigation of the incident.
Earlier this month, Matthew Crooks was able to take a position on top of a building near where a rally in Pennsylvania was happening and got several shots off nearly hitting Trump, and killing a man in the audience behind him. Crooks ended up being shot and killed by Secret Service agents soon afterward.
“It’s terrifying to think that a 20-year-old was able to take that shot within 130 yards of President Trump,” Houchin added. “It’s infuriating that the Secret Service had eyes on him for an hour before that.”
Therein lies the failure, according to Houchin.
“The Secret Service’s solemn mission is to protect our nation’s leaders. On July 13th, we failed,” Cheatle said in the Monday hearing. As the Director of the United States Secret Service, I take full responsibility for any security lapse.”
Second District Congressman Rudy Yakym has issued the following statement following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress:
“Israel is our closest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. Today, Prime Minister Netanyahu made a compelling case for why the U.S.-Israeli partnership must remain strong, especially as Israel continues to defend itself against Hamas terrorists in the wake of October 7.
“Today’s speech was also a sobering reminder that there are still American hostages being held captive in Gaza who must be brought home; an imperative that the Biden-Harris administration has sadly all but given up on.
“Finally, it was disappointing – although not surprising – that so many Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Hamas, boycotted Netanyahu’s speech as they shamelessly try to appease their radical, pro-Hamas base in an election year. I was proud to attend today’s speech and reaffirm that America will always stand with Israel.”
Vice President Kamala Harris is now at the forefront of Democratic politics as she is likely to be the party’s nominee for president in the coming weeks.
With her nomination looking more and more likely, there is already a lot of talk of who she may choose as a running mate. A popular that has been circling is Transportation Secretary and former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg.
He appeared with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC on Monday and was asked if he would accept if Harris were to name him as her choice for a running mate. Buttigieg was humbled at the prospect of being vice president but remained non-committal.
“She’s (Harris) going to make that decision. She’s going to do that based on what’s best for the country, what’s best for the party, what’s best for the ticket,” he said. “I will do everything in my power to make sure she is the next president.”
When asked to clarify if he would or wouldn’t accept, Buttigieg urged people not to get ahead of themselves.
“We are just not in that mode right now,” said Buttigieg. “We’re on the second day since the president made his decision, and I trust (Harris) to make the right decision.”
Buttigieg called President Biden’s decision not to seek re-election “historic” in the sense that it can be a hard thing, he believes, to give up the power of the most powerful office in the world. He commends Biden for insisting on serving out the remainder of his term in lieu of many calls from Republicans for him to resign.
With Harris as the new focus of the Democratic ticket, Buttigieg said Americans can expect “consistency” from her as she has been right there with Biden throughout his tenure in the White House, calling Biden’s presidency “the most productive presidency in history.”