Nena has been an advocate for the homeless community for more than 30 years. Volunteering regularly by giving of her time and resources to ensure a better life for those in need. There is definitely a disconnect between our county government and those in the homeless community. She will work diligently to bring common sense solutions to the current Allen County Jail debate. Nena will work across party lines to help establish an annual budget that works best for county government and the citizens of Allen County. Her goal is to work with the Board of Commissioners to move the county in a bipartisan matter that will serve the needs of all 8 municipalities. She will work to adjust the tax rates for county purposes and impose a fair tax Levy. Nena will work to appropriate additional funds that may arise after the budget has been established.
Nena Bailey
Candidate, Allen County Council At-large
Nena Bailey was born in Griffin, Georgia. She earned a high school diploma from South Side High School. Her career experience includes working in real estate. She has been affiliated with the Indiana Black Expo, Safe Housing and Building Oversight Committee, Fort Wayne Urban League, Realtist Association of Northeast Indiana, and the N.A.A.C.P.